My friend and I have logged close to 200+ games since December 2015 and can't get enough. After reading reddit/BGG forums I noticed a lack of certain strategy's being discussed that are critical to your success in Epic. We have not delved into constructed play yet as we are draft junkies, but soon we will get there.
And now without further ado, in a galaxy not so far away. Here come Epic Strategy #1
Epic Strategy #1: The Tempo Attack
tem·po-the rate or speed of motion or activity; pace.
Epic is a boxing match CCG. While I don't suggest punching your opponent,(many times I have been close!) I suggest punching the board with your cards. Rarely in a boxing match, do you see the round start with a bang and a huge punch. While these boxers and your cards both pack a nasty punch, they must be saved for the right moment. Going big early is not an ideal strategy in either contest. A player must be wise about his punches and deliver them at the right time. A boxer delivers the right punch when the defenses are down knowing that he only needs to connect a few times before he can wear the belt. This is exactly what we will be covering today, when to throw the right punch in Epic.
As you know, epic cards are self-explainable, they are EPIC. The problem is that both players have the cards necessary to defend the unthinkable and to destroy the highest of health totals. With this notion in mind, the best time to throw your punch is when the defense is down. In epic, your opponent is at his weakest only when....
His gold is spent
Your goal in Epic is to be the second person to spend the gold during the turn, NOT the first. One of the best strategy's in Epic is to bait your opponent into spending that precious gold to only look in horror as the upper cut makes a beautiful connection. The best way to bait your opponent into these traps is by using your zero cards to create a nice tempo. Here is a great example of this in effect.
(Muhammad Dark Knight Ali)
Two players start the game Player A starting hand looks like this
1) Gold Dragon
2) Murderous Necro
3) Dark Knight
4) Zombie Apoc
5) Inner Demon
Player B's starting hand looks like this
1) Frost Giant
2) Lying in Wait
3) Divine Judgement
4) Noble Unicorn
5) Flame Strike
Player A starts the game, he has lots of options, but one best one. First, let me tell you the newbie mistake. A lot of players here will start Gold Dragon and swing in as fast as they can, gogogogo is the mindset. Just look at Player B's hand he has several choices to block your dragon from getting through. The Gold Dragon is quickly destroyed by a flame strike and now both players are gold less.
Let's reverse this process and make your opponent quiver in their boots. Player A starts with Dark Knight and swings. Player B really wants to get ahead on cards and play divine judgement to get a double draw. He doesn't want to play Noble and block just yet, especially since the DK is unbreakable on his opponents turn. Player B takes the 5 dmg and gets ready to draw tons of cards to crush his opponent. He expects Player A to play some other random creature or draw two. But then.................
"I attempt to end my turn"
These are crushing words to your opponent. Player B quickly realizes that he is in trouble. His plan was to draw two, so he plays Lying in Wait to draw 2 instead of Divine now in case he needs a sweep. That's when things get out of control. BAM the 1-2 punch is successful! Player A now pounces on the opponent at the right time. Gold Dragon comes in and swings.
After turn 1
Player A 36 life board control
Player B 19 life no board control.
Player B now has to sweep giving Player A time to draw two then set up the board again for another big hit. Of course, Player A could of agreed to end the turn, but in that case Player A has already scored 5 dmg for basically free.
There are many iterations of this combo that you should now be imagining in your head. The zero tempo cards are a core part of the game. Remember the core idea, be the last to spend your gold!
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